
Interested in research with Drosophila
in order to study aging, learning & memory, and neurodegeneration

I am an incredibly curious and passionate person. I love learning and aspire to continue growing my research method skillset so that I can make many discoveries.

Things I Can Do

I have experience working with mice, flies, worms, and cell culture. I excel at behavioural experimentation as well as wetlab molecular work.

  • Western Blot
  • Immunofluorescence Microscopy
  • Mouse behaviour
  • Fly behaviour
  • Collaboration
  • Experimental Design

A Few Accomplishments

Integer eu ante ornare amet commetus vestibulum blandit integer in curae ac faucibus integer non. Adipiscing cubilia elementum integer. Integer eu ante ornare amet commetus.

Possibly broke spacetime

Integer eu ante ornare amet commetus vestibulum blandit integer in curae ac faucibus integer adipiscing ornare amet.

Terraformed a small moon

Integer eu ante ornare amet commetus vestibulum blandit integer in curae ac faucibus integer adipiscing ornare amet.

Snapped dark matter in the wild

Integer eu ante ornare amet commetus vestibulum blandit integer in curae ac faucibus integer adipiscing ornare amet.

Contact Me

Integer eu ante ornare amet commetus vestibulum blandit integer in curae ac faucibus integer non. Adipiscing cubilia elementum integer. Integer eu ante ornare amet commetus.